It’s Been a While.
It’s been almost a full year since I posted here. My goal for this blog was to post when it felt authentic and only what I felt called to share. As we get into the holiday season, I felt I needed to share a few things with whoever finds this.
First, it’s okay if this is a difficult time for you. You can reach out to loved ones for support and not be happy about every event. It is okay.
Second, each event that can feel overwhelming is full of reasons you are still here. To continue to experience life, love, and joy. You deserve that.
Last, no is a complete sentence. The people you feel that you need to explain yourself to, do not expect it. The people who expect you to explain yourself struggle with their inner boundaries, which is on them. Not you. (Easier said than done, and I am still working on this myself).
One major thing people can experience this time of year is financial hardship, and I wanted to share some of my favorite, fairly easy, inexpensive homemade gifts.
Wine glass candle holders:
Personalized ornaments:
Infused liquor (yes, I know we haven’t been drinking over the last couple of years, but others still do and they go crazyyyy for these):
Coffee Scrub (If you go to your local Starbucks, they can help you get the grounds):
Loose Leaf Tea (You can add a tea steeper to amp this up as well):
Create an Affirmation Deck:
Whatever you decide to do or how you spend this season, your choices are yours. You need to be confident in your choice to the point where you no longer care what others believe when they see you. This is what will truly set you free. I have learned this lesson many times this year. Now, when people question me or my choices, I can openly laugh about it without getting upset because I know exactly what I am doing, and it is not their business to agree or disagree. Of course, when it comes to people I love, I still want to include them and make them feel heard, but I no longer take it personally if they disagree with me. There is not one person in this world that can read my thoughts. All I can do is communicate where I am and trust that everything will work out.
This year has been the ultimate test for me in the “Trust the Process” way. I am two years into school and might be able to graduate next year if I really push myself. I also discovered tonight that I got my first D on an assignment. It will work out as long as I do my best on the rest. Jonny and I hit our savings goal this year because I stopped trying to force contributions and made an automatic deduction from my paycheck instead. The more that processes in my life are in flow, the faster they come together. Resistance is the anchor of my life, and it does take work to pull it up out of the water, and when it happens, I get that jump in my seat like when a speed boat takes off for the first time. Woahhhh! Here we go! I know that whatever I choose to spend my energy on will bring me good. Whether in the form of a lesson learned, a successful business, or an A on an assignment, when I truly give my energy to something or someone, I always have and always will get something amazing back. This core belief has replaced my belief that everything is hard for me. The reality was that I was making things hard for myself; I didn’t know another way before, and with new information, I could make new choices.
And things can be easy for you. You deserve to feel the ease of expression, set expectations, and show up as your authentic self. You do not need to wait for January 1st to begin this mentality. You can start today. It is okay to wait, too. Take a moment to ask yourself why you think you need to wait and what you believe you will gain by waiting. And be okay with living with that choice without guilt.
You got this.
Love you babes.