The Blog
A safe space and a glimpse inside what healing looks like. From self-realizations, grieving losses, releasing what isn’t meant for me, and moments when my healing journey feels overwhelming, I am sharing it all here. If you want to share your story here, please Click Here to email me.
Unleashing the Power of Self-Expression: A Pathway to Healing and Enhanced Creativity
In the fast-paced whirlwind of modern life, finding outlets for self-expression has become more crucial than ever. It's not just about letting out steam or showcasing our talents; it's about embarking on a journey toward inner peace, enhanced self-confidence, and unlocking the full potential of our creative endeavors.
It’s Been a While.
It’s been almost a full year since I posted here. My goal for this blog was to post when it felt authentic and only what I felt called to share. As we get into the holiday season, I felt I needed to share a few things with whoever finds this.
Here I am (Ready For Each New Day)
I want every person reading this to have the most successful and peaceful year. No matter what happens this year, please remember a few things.
(Feels Like) Starting Over
Getting started on any new modality for healing purposes can feel like starting over. It’s not. It’s starting where you’re at.
Step By Step… I’m Becoming the Me I was Always Meant to Be.
The more I learn, the more I need to implement. If I don’t make the choice to implement as I am learning, I will not make the progress I want to be making. The key here is I WANT to be making progress.
I Think We’re Alone Now… Actual Entries From My Journal
Here are a few of my real journal entries. If you want to know yourself, write.
What is Love? And Do I Deserve it?
You don’t have to feel like you love yourself to be worthy of love. YOU ARE WORTHY OF LOVE. It will save SO MUCH TIME and heartache to learn to love yourself before you enter into any relationship. But that wasn’t my reality.
I see a Blue Moon Rising
The Blue Moon on August 22, 2021, WRECKED ME. It showed me things clearly that I needed to improve on immediately. Things that I thought I was doing better with.
So This is the Story All About How…. I Ended Up in Therapy.
Therapy is an amazing tool to gain a deep, personal understanding of where you are truly at, but to me the real strength is in showing up every day, every week, and facing your own shit head on.